Hello families! Hola famílies!
Alguns de vosaltres ja l'heu tinguda a casa. De moment és tot un èxit. Ens agrada comentar la pàgina personal de cada infant i possiblement recordarem per molts anys què va menjar cadascú a la seva festa ( en anglès!!).
Sabem que en alguns casos la festa és el de menys, ja que hi ha maneres diverses de celebrar un cumpleanys: una excursió, un viatge, un dinar, .. Tot és adequat i ens agrada la diversitat. Amb els fillets ja hem parlat de que no podem convidar a tothom a casa (no hi cabem 25 al menjador), si no hem anat a casa d'algú el dia del cumpleanys podem anar-hi un altre dia a jugar...
I si per desgràcia no disposau de cap fotografia podeu ajudar el vostre fill/filla a fer un dibuix de la festa o també enganxar-ne una d'un any anterior, o de qualsevol trobada amb amics..
Gràcies per col.laborar.
Some of you have already had it at home. I hope you enjoyed it. Children are really proud of their own personal page and enjoy showing it to their classmates.
Some questions have come up during the conversation as not everychildren can attend their friend's party. We've been talking about going to play at our classmates house in another different occasion if we haven't been invited. Sometimes 25 children are two many to fit in a small diningroom. In addition we know of several ways to celebrate a birthday that are not necessarily a party : an excursion, a trip, .. for instance. We would like to know of it if that's your case.
And if unfortunately you don't have any picture avilable you could help your child to draw the party or stick any meeting with friends's picture that you have,..
Thanks for your cooperation,
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